Killian by Jessamyn Kingley #kindleunlimited


Book Title: Killian (Twisted Tales of D’Vaire, Book 1)

Author and Publisher: Jessamyn Kingley

Cover Artist: LJ Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations

Release Date: June 6, 2024

Genre: MM Fantasy/Paranormal Romance

Trope: Fated mates

Heat Rating:  3 flames

Length:  96 000 words

It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger.


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For two soulmates, a single twist of fate can change everything. 


In 1369, Killian the Dwyer is a young druid still learning to rule his people. His journey is aided by his peers. Two years ago, Killian accepted an opportunity to join a council of respected leaders. Which is why, on one fateful day, Killian and his fellow leaders venture to a castle of dragons. 

Their intent is to build an alliance—what they find is death. But that is not all Killian discovers. Standing alone in a garden is a shy dragon with scales of a deep dark green—Killian’s favored hue. The shifter’s name is Duke Dravyn D’Vairedraconis, and he is Killian’s mate.

Dravyn knows little about the world. At four, he lost his parents and his uncle made him into a servant. Now, Dravyn is standing across from a sorcerer, and Killian’s magic scares him and his beast. Although he cannot deny that Killian is beautiful, Dravyn has no words to convey the mixture of emotions brewing in him.

Hours after Killian leaves the castle, a twist changes everything. Soon, more than fear separates Killian and Dravyn. Obstacles stand between them, but Fate has already paired their souls. What are they willing to sacrifice to honor the goddess and the tug of their hearts?


Killian smiled at the dragon conquering his heart as they arrived on D’Vaire land, following a quick teleportation spell. They’d spent an unforgettable night in Killian’s bed, and he couldn’t wait for a repeat experience. Never in Killian’s life had he known such passion. It was not desire alone either. With no experience as someone’s devoted partner, Killian had not known how tender he could feel for another person.

But he wondered why he was surprised. Dravyn was a complex mixture of shy gardener and dragon Duke. In the dark green eyes gazing into his own was Dravyn’s every emotion. Killian was both humbled and encouraged by the caring he found there, and he appreciated the wonder too. After so many years apart and their personal struggles, it was shockingly easy to find accord between them.

It made Killian realize that, while he did not approve of every twist Fate had put in his life, he was devoted to the goddess because she’d gifted him Dravyn.

Killian slid an arm around Dravyn’s waist and tugged him close for a kiss. 

“I fear I no longer have the ability to control myself around you now that I know how delicious you taste,” Killian said against Dravyn’s lips.

“We have kissed for weeks now.”

“I was speaking of the other parts of your body I sampled last night and again this morning.”

Dravyn’s cheeks filled with color. “Killer, dragons have exceptional hearing, and what happens between us is private. The house is not so far from us.”

“I will behave if you promise to be in my bed again soon.”

“That is not an invitation I would refuse.”

Cupping the back of Dravyn’s neck to tug the tall Duke toward him, Killian reunited their mouths and allowed his tongue to explore unhindered. In the bright morning sun, Killian’s prick grew hard and Dravyn’s delightfully large cock poked Killian’s belly. Seconds away from casting another teleportation circle and pushing the dragon down to the mattress in his tree, Killian gasped as Dravyn shoved him away.

Dravyn’s eyes darted from side to side, and his entire face was bright red. Grabbing the edges of his cloak, Dravyn burrowed into his clothing. 

“We are here to grow a tree,” Dravyn protested.

“I should allow you to hear the music of your garden. It has switched from its usual soft melody to a deep thunderous beat. They approve of our union and expressing what Fate has given us as mates.”

Reaching out, Dravyn patted a nearby cluster of leaves. 

“Thank you,” Dravyn whispered to the garden, and in that moment, Killian fell in love. He’d known he was headed there, but it was the glowing affection and kindness Dravyn showed his plants that tipped Killian over the edge. Dravyn was truest to himself in his garden. Like Killian, he understood these weren’t just vines and flowers. They were living things with emotions. 

Startled by the intensity of losing his heart to someone, Killian stumbled back a step and hoped Fate had a future for them filled with promise. Obstacles stood before them, and their lives were still separated in many important ways. Could love conquer all? Killian certainly hoped it would. He wanted it to. So easily he could imagine an eternity with Dravyn. But did the dragon want the same?

About the Author 

Jessamyn Kingley has published over thirty titles and refuses to pick a favorite among them. With an extraordinary passion for her characters, she enthusiastically adds tales to her D’Vaire series and avidly re-reads them whenever her schedule allows. After decades living in the Washington, DC area, she now resides in Nevada with her husband and their three spoiled cats. When she is not writing or adding new ideas to her beloved notebooks, she is gaming with family and friends. 

Visit her website 

Join her Facebook group, Jessamyn’s Ruffian’s

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Killian (Twisted Tales of D’Vaire, Book 1) by Jessamyn Kingley


Book Title: Killian (Twisted Tales of D’Vaire, Book 1)

Author and Publisher: Jessamyn Kingley

Cover Artist: LJ Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations

Release Date: June 6, 2024

Genre: MM Fantasy/Paranormal Romance

Trope: Fated mates

Heat Rating:  3 flames

Length:  96 000 words

It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger.

Goodreads Author Profile

Amazon Author Profile

For two soulmates, a single twist of fate can change everything. 


In 1369, Killian the Dwyer is a young druid still learning to rule his people. His journey is aided by his peers. Two years ago, Killian accepted an opportunity to join a council of respected leaders. Which is why, on one fateful day, Killian and his fellow leaders venture to a castle of dragons. 

Their intent is to build an alliance—what they find is death. But that is not all Killian discovers. Standing alone in a garden is a shy dragon with scales of a deep dark green—Killian’s favored hue. The shifter’s name is Duke Dravyn D’Vairedraconis, and he is Killian’s mate.

Dravyn knows little about the world. At four, he lost his parents and his uncle made him into a servant. Now, Dravyn is standing across from a sorcerer, and Killian’s magic scares him and his beast. Although he cannot deny that Killian is beautiful, Dravyn has no words to convey the mixture of emotions brewing in him.

Hours after Killian leaves the castle, a twist changes everything. Soon, more than fear separates Killian and Dravyn. Obstacles stand between them, but Fate has already paired their souls. What are they willing to sacrifice to honor the goddess and the tug of their hearts?


Killian’s lips tingled. It was a pleasant feeling, and he grinned at the blushing Duke in front of him. 

“Your mouth is addictive,” Killian said.

To his delight, Dravyn’s cheeks went pinker, and he shuffled his feet. Thankfully, Dravyn kept his deep green gaze locked on Killian’s. Thanks to the great studying Killian had done of Dravyn in their slowly growing acquaintance, he’d learned that the moment the shifter grew uncomfortable his eyes hit the ground. Killian detested it whenever Dravyn’s shoulders stooped or he bowed his head.

From what Killian had learned of Dravyn’s life thus far, the man had done nothing to deserve such innate reticence about asserting himself or feeling comfortable in his own skin. Killian’s hands curled into fists as he thought about the many years Dravyn had served as a servant due to greedy, unworthy dragons.

“Shift whenever you are ready,” Killian said to Dravyn.

To Killian’s amusement, in the glow of the golden light he’d provided them in the dark, Dravyn’s ears turned a deep red. 

Dravyn’s chin hit his chest. “I will need a bit of privacy to shift.”

Although Killian would have preferred to watch Dravyn peel off his clothing so he could see every inch of his thickly muscled body, he was unsurprised at the Duke’s words. 

“I understand,” Killian assured him with a quick peck on one pink cheek.

Dravyn’s mouth twisted for a second, then he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Killian’s. That was an invitation Killian refused to ignore, and he cupped the bare skin of Dravyn’s neck underneath his tangled mess of dark locks to kiss him more deeply. Just like the first time, Dravyn set Killian aflame. Killian was not unexperienced, but no one had ever come close to driving him to the edge of madness—and they had barely touched. 

Killian’s eager mind threatened his sanity with images of him lying intertwined with Dravyn. To keep himself from tugging at Dravyn’s clothing himself, Killian ruthlessly shut down that train of thought and waited for his mate to shyly end their embrace. Stepping back, Dravyn smiled.

“I should go shift now,” Dravyn said.

“I’ll wait however long you need,” Killian replied, meaning every word. 

Dravyn sprinted off toward the copse of trees behind them. Rocking from heel to toe, Killian tried not to think about Dravyn removing his clothes so he wouldn’t do something stupid like chase him.

“Such dangerous beauty,” Killian murmured as Dravyn swooped down behind him so he would not run into any tall trees. Turning on his heel, Killian increased the glow of his lamp to better appreciate the way the light reflected off the dark scales of the magnificent creature in front of him. Killian stepped forward and laid a hand on the surprisingly sleek texture of dragonskin. “How do I get myself up?”

Dravyn stretched his legs out and bellyflopped into the dirt. It was such a surprisingly cute movement from such a grand dragon that Killian laughed. Then he tugged his cloak up and stretched a leg over Dravyn. It took some wiggling, but eventually, Killian’s bare feet dangled on either side of the beast’s curved back.

Before Killian could decide if he should be frightened, Dravyn thundered across the ground and flapped his enormous wings. They left the ground, and Killian threw his arms up as they went airborne. The wind whipped through his hair, tugging off his hood, and he grinned as they flowed through the cool night sky.

“This is incredible,” Killian shouted, and to his delight, Dravyn’s beast grumbled with what he hoped was an answering delight as they shared this wondrous experience together.

About the Author 

Jessamyn Kingley has published over thirty titles and refuses to pick a favorite among them. With an extraordinary passion for her characters, she enthusiastically adds tales to her D’Vaire series and avidly re-reads them whenever her schedule allows. After decades living in the Washington, DC area, she now resides in Nevada with her husband and their three spoiled cats. When she is not writing or adding new ideas to her beloved notebooks, she is gaming with family and friends. 

Visit her website 

Join her Facebook group, Jessamyn’s Ruffian’s

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